Lista gatunków Leptopharsa
To jest lista 116 gatunków z Leptopharsa , rodzaju robaków koronkowych z rodziny Tingidae .
gatunek Leptopharsa
- Leptopharsa albella Drake, 1935 icg
- Leptopharsa angustata (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa aporia Drake i Ruhoff, 1965 icg
- Leptopharsa arta Drake and Poor, 1942 icg
- Leptopharsa artocarpi Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa atibaiae Drake i Ruhoff, 1962 icg
- Leptopharsa avia Drake, 1953 icg
- Leptopharsa bifasciata (czempion, 1897) ic
- Leptopharsa bondari Drake and Poor, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa bradleyi (Drake, 1931) icg
- Leptopharsa bredini Froeschner, 1968 icg
- Leptopharsa callangae Drake and Poor, 1940 icg
- Leptopharsa calopa Drake, 1928 icg
- Leptopharsa clitoriae (Heidemann, 1911) icg
- Leptopharsa cognata Drake i Hambleton, 1934 icg
- Leptopharsa constricta (Champion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa dampfi (Drake, 1927) icg
- Leptopharsa dapsilis Drake i Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa deca Drake and Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa decens Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa deides Drake & Ruhoff, 1965 cg
- Leptopharsa delicata Monte, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa difficilis Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa dilaticollis (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa distans Drake, 1928 cg
- Leptopharsa distanceis Drake, 1928 ig
- Leptopharsa distinconis Drake, 1928 icg
- Leptopharsa divisa (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa elata (Champion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa elegans (Hacker, 1927) icg
- Leptopharsa elegantula Stål, 1873 icg
- Leptopharsa enodata Drake, 1942 icg
- Leptopharsa euprines Drake i Ruhoff, 1965 icg
- Leptopharsa evsyunini Golub i Popov, 2000 ig
- Leptopharsa farameae Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa fici Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa fimbriata (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa firma Drake and Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa flava Monte, 1940 icg
- Leptopharsa forsteroniae Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa fortis Drake i Hambleton, 1934 icg
- Leptopharsa brat Golub i Popow, 2003 ig
- Leptopharsa furcata (Stål, 1873) icg
- Leptopharsa furculata (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa fuscofasciata (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa gibbicarina Froeschner, 1977 icg
- Leptopharsa gracilenta (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa guatemalensis Drake and Poor, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa heidemanni (Osborn i Drake, 1916) icgb
- Leptopharsa heveae Drake and Poor, 1935 icg
- Leptopharsa hintoni Drake, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa hoffmani Drake, 1928 icg
- Leptopharsa hyaloptera (Stål, 1873) icg
- Leptopharsa ignota Drake i Hambleton, 1934 icg
- Leptopharsa inannana Drake, 1953 icg
- Leptopharsa inaudita Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa jubaris Drake i Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Laureat Leptopharsa Drake i Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa lauta Drake i Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa lenatis Drake, 1930 icg
- Leptopharsa lineata (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa livida Monte, 1943 icg
- Leptopharsa longipennis (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa luxa Drake i Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa machaerii Drake i Hambleton, 1934 icg
- Leptopharsa machalana Drake i Hambleton, 1946 icg
- Leptopharsa madrigali Froeschner, 1989 icg
- Leptopharsa marginella (Stål, 1858) icg
- Leptopharsa miconiae Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa milleri Drake, 1954 cg
- Leptopharsa mira Drake i Hambleton, 1934 icg
- Leptopharsa modica Drake i Hambleton, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa nota Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa oblonga (powiedzmy, 1825) icgb
- Leptopharsa ocoteae Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa ogloblini Drake, 1936 icg
- Leptopharsa ornata Monte, 1940 icg
- Leptopharsa ovantis Drake i Hambleton, 1945 icg
- Leptopharsa pacis Drake i Hambleton, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa pallens Monte, 1943 icg
- Leptopharsa papella Drake, 1941 icg
- Leptopharsa partita (czempion, 1898) icg
- Leptopharsa paulana Drake, 1953 icg
- Leptopharsa pensa Drake i Hambleton, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa perbona Drake, 1930 icg
- Leptopharsa peruensis Drake, 1928 icg
- Leptopharsa poinari Golub i Popov, 2000 ig
- Leptopharsa posoqueriae Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa principis Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa probala Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa psychotriae Drake i Hambleton, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa pudens Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa ralla Drake, 1963 icg
- Leptopharsa reflexa Froeschner, 1989 icg
- Leptopharsa retrusa Drake i Hambleton, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa reuniona Drake, 1957 cg
- Leptopharsa rudgeae Drake i Hambleton, 1934 icg
- Leptopharsa rumiana Drake i Hambleton, 1946 icg
- Leptopharsa ruris Drake, 1942 icg
- Leptopharsa satipona Drake i Hambleton, 1944 icg
- Leptopharsa sera Drake and Poor, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa setigera (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa siderea Drake i Hambleton, 1946 icg
- Leptopharsa simulans (Stål, 1858) icg
- Leptopharsa sobrina Monte, 1940 icg
- Leptopharsa tacanae Coty, Garrouste i Nel, 2014 ig
- Leptopharsa tenuatis Drake, 1928 icg
- Leptopharsa tenuis (czempion, 1897) icg
- Leptopharsa unicarinata Champion, 1897 icg
- Leptopharsa usingeri Drake, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa valida Drake i Hambleton, 1938 icg
- Leptopharsa variegata Monte, 1943 icg
- Leptopharsa velifer (McAtee, 1917) icg
- Leptopharsa vicina Drake and Poor, 1939 icg
- Leptopharsa vittipennis (Stål, 1873) icg
- Leptopharsa zeteki Drake, 1939 icg
Źródła danych: i = ITIS, c = Catalog of Life, g = GBIF, b =