Lista rodzajów Tingini
To jest lista 256 rodzajów w plemieniu Tingini .
rodzaje Tingini
- Abdastartus Odległy, 1910
- Acalypta Westwood, 1840
- Acanthocheila Stal, 1858
- Acanthotingis Monte, 1940
- Aconchus Horvath, 1905
- Acysty , 1898
- Aeipeplus Drake i Ruhoff, 1962
- Aeithauma Drake i Ruhoff, 1965
- Aeopelys Drake i Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepycysta Drake i Bondar, 1932
- Aepykorys Drake i Ruhoff, 1965
- Aframixia Drake i Ruhoff, 1960
- Afrochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Afrotingis Drake i Hill, 1964
- Agachila Drake i Gómez-Menor, 1954
- Agaotingis Drake, 1954
- Aglotingis Drake, 1954
- Agramma Stephens, 1829
- Aidoneus Odległy, 1909
- Alinotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Alloiothucha Drake, 1927
- Allotingis Drake, 1930
- Alveotingis Osborn & Drake, 1916
- Amberobyrsa Heiss, 2009
- Amblystira Stal, 1873
- Ambotingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1960
- Ambycysta Drake i Hurd, 1945
- Ammianus Odległy, 1903
- Angolotingis Drake, 1955
- Angolusa Drake, 1958
- Aphelotingis Drake, 1948
- Aristobyrsa Drake i Biedny, 1937
- Arushia Drake, 1951
- Asperotingis Péricart, 2000
- Ateas Champion, 1898
- Aulotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Australotingis haker, 1927
- Axiokersos Odległe, 1909
- Baeochila Drake i biedny, 1937
- Baeotingis Drake i biedny, 1939
- Baichila Drake i Slater, 1955
- Bako Schouteden, 1923
- Banahaona Drake i Ruhoff, 1961
- Belenus Odległy, 1909
- Berotingis Drake, 1956
- Birabena Drake i Hurd, 1945
- Bunia Schouteden, 1955
- Bunotingis Drake, 1948
- Cadmilos , 1909
- Caffrocysta Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Callithrincus Horvath, 1925
- Caloloma Drake i Bruner, 1924
- Calotingis Drake, 1918
- Campylosteira Fieber, 1844
- Campylotingis Drake i Bondar, 1932
- Cantinona Odległe, 1913
- Carvalhotingis Froeschner, 1995
- Katoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Celantia Odległa, 1903
- Cephalidiosus Guilbert, 1999
- Ceratinoderma Stal, 1873
- Ceratotingis Montemayor, 2008
- Cetiothucha Drake i Ruhoff, 1965
- Chorotingioites Wappler, 2003
- Chorotingis Drake, 1961
- Cochlochila Stal, 1873
- Codotingis Drake, 1942
- Coleopterodes Philippi, 1864
- Collinutius , 1903
- Compseuta Stal, 1873
- Conchotingis Drake, 1954
- Congochila Drake, 1954
- Copium Thunberg, 1822
- Korynt , 1920
- Corycera Drake, 1922
- Corythaica Stål, 1873 (bakłażany tingids)
- Corythauma Drake i biedny, 1939
- Corythotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Corythucha Stal, 1873
- Cottothucha Drake i biedny, 1941
- Cromerus Odległy, 1902
- Cysteochila Stal, 1873
- Dasytingis Drake and Poor, 1936
- Derefizja Spinola, 1837
- Dichocysta , 1898
- Diconocoris Mayr, 1865
- Dicrotingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1960
- Dictyla Stal, 1874
- Dictyonota Curtis, 1827
- Dictyotingis Drake, 1942
- Dicysta , 1897
- Diplocysta Horváth, 1925
- Duliniusz Odległy, 1903
- Dyspharsa Drake i Hambleton, 1944
- Elasmognathus Fieber, 1844
- Elasmotropis Stal, 1874
- Enginoma Drake, 1942
- Engyotingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1961
- Eotingis Scudder, 1890
- Epimixia Kirkaldy, 1908
- Eritingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1962
- Esocampylia haker, 1929
- Eteoneus Odległy, 1903
- Euahanes , 1911
- Euaulana Drake, 1945
- Eurypharsa Stal, 1873
- Froggattia Froggatt, 1901
- Furcilliger Horvath, 1925
- Gabirobiusa Schoutedena, 1955
- Galeatus Curtis, 1833
- Galotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Gargaphia Stal, 1862
- Gitawa Drake, 1948
- Gyalotingis Drake, 1960
- Gymnotingis haker, 1928
- Habrochila Horvath, 1912
- Haedacanthus Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Haedus Odległy, 1904
- Hebetingis Drake, 1960
- Hegesidemus Odległy, 1911
- Heissiella Péricart, 1984
- Henrikus Drake, 1955
- Hesperotingis Parshley, 1917
- Holofygdon Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hovatlas Schouteden, 1957
- Hurdchila Drake, 1953
- Hyalochiton Horvath, 1905
- Hybopharsa Hurd, 1946
- Hypsipyrgias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hypsotingis Drake, 1960
- Idiocysta Chiny, 1930
- Ildefons Odległy, 1910
- Inoma , 1927
- Inonemia Drake'a, 1942
- Ischnotingis Horvath, 1925
- Ittolemma Symonds i Cassis, 2014
- Kalama Puton w Lethierry i Puton, 1876
- Kapiriella Schouteden, 1919
- Larotingis Drake, 1960
- Lasiacantha Stal, 1873
- Latitingis Péricart, 1985
- Lemurichila Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Leptobyrsa Stal, 1873
- Leptocysta Stal, 1873
- Leptodictya Stal, 1873
- Leptopharsa Stal, 1873
- Leptoptyx Drake i Ruhoff, 1965
- Leptoypha Stal, 1873
- Lepturga Stal, 1873
- Liotingis Drake, 1930
- Litadea Chiny, 1924
- Longiscutella Livingstone i Jeyanthibai, 1995
- Lullius Odległy, 1904
- Machairotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Macrocorytha Stal, 1873
- Macrotingis , 1897
- Madangocoris Péricart, 2000
- Mafa Hesja, 1925
- Magmara Péricart, 1977
- Malagasotingis B. Lis, 2009
- Malandiola Horvath, 1925
- Mecopharsa Drake, 1953
- Megalocysta , 1897
- Melanorhopala Stal, 1873
- Metasalis Lee, 1971
- Monosteira Costa, 1863
- Mummius Horvath, 1910
- Naitingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1962
- Naochila Drake, 1957
- Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Neotingis Drake, 1922
- Nesocypselas Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesocysta Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesotingis Drake, 1957
- Holandia Horváth, 1925
- Niborskiana Montemayor, 2012
- Nobarnus Odległy, 1920
- Nyctotingis Drake, 1922
- Oblongomorpha Wappler, 2003
- Octacysta Drake i Ruhoff, 1960
- Oedotingis Drake, 1942
- Oeocharis Drake i Ruhoff, 1965
- Ogygotingis Drake, 1948
- Olastrida Schouteden, 1956
- Omoplax Horvath, 1912
- Oncochila Stal, 1873
- Oncophysa Stal, 1873
- Onymochila Drake, 1948
- Orotingis Drake i biedny, 1941
- Ottoicus Drake, 1960
- Pachycysta , 1898
- Palauella Drake, 1956
- parakopium , 1902
- Parada Horvatha, 1925
- Paraleptoypha Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paraperissonemia Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paseala Schouteden, 1923
- Penottus , 1903
- Perbrinckea Drake, 1956
- Perissonemia Drake and Poor, 1937
- Phaenotropis Horvath, 1906
- Phaeochila Drake i Hambleton, 1945
- Phymacysta Monte, 1942
- Physatocheila Fieber, 1844
- Placotingis Drake, 1960
- Planibyrsa Drake i biedny, 1937
- Platytingis Drake, 1925
- Plerochila Drake, 1954
- Pleseobyrsa Drake i biedny, 1937
- Pliobyrsa Drake i Hambleton, 1946
- Pogonostyła Drake, 1953
- Pontan , 1902
- Pseudacysta Blatchley, 1926
- Pseudohegesidemus B. Lis, 2001
- Pseudurentius Péricart, 1992
- Psilobyrsa Drake i Hambleton, 1935
- Radinacantha haker, 1929
- Raunotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Recaredus daleki, 1909
- Sabestena Drake, 1944
- Sanazarius Odległy, 1904
- Scymnotingis Drake, 1960
- Sinuessa Horvath, 1910
- Sisperonemia Duarte Rodrigues, 1987
- Sphaerista Kiritshenko, 1951
- Sphaerocysta Stal, 1873
- Stenocysta , 1897
- Stephanitis Stal, 1873
- Stragulotingis Froeschner, 1969
- Stymnonotus Reuter, 1887
- Swaustraltingis Moir i Guilbert, 2012
- Tadelia Linnavuori, 1977
- Taichila Duarte Rodrigues, 1983
- Tanybyrsa Drake, 1942
- Tanytingis Drake, 1939
- Teleonemia Costa, 1864
- Therotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 2002
- Tigava Stal, 1858
- Tigavaria Drake, 1945
- Tingicesa Koçak i Kemal, 2010
- Tingis Fabricius, 1803
- Trachypeplus Horvath, 1926
- Tropicotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1981
- Uhleryci Drake, 1927
- Ulocysta Drake i Hambleton, 1945
- Ulonemia Drake and Poor, 1937
- Ulotingis Drake i Hambleton, 1935
- Urentius , 1903
- Vatiga Drake & Hambleton, 1946
- Xenotingis Drake, 1923
- Xynotingis Drake, 1928
- Ypsotingis Drake, 1947
- Zatingis Drake, 1928
- Zeiratingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1961
- Zelotingis Drake i Hambleton, 1946
- Zorotingis Drake i Ruhoff, 1961