Mistrzostwa Wimbledonu 1975 – gra podwójna mężczyzn

Gra podwójna mężczyzn 1975
mistrzostw Wimbledonu
Mistrzowie Australia
Australia Johna Newcombe'a Tony'ego Roche'a
Wicemistrzowie United States
United States Boba Lutza Stana Smitha
Wynik 7–5, 8–6, 6–4
Rysować 64 (8 Q )
Posiew 8
Syngiel mężczyźni kobiety chłopcy dziewczyny
Debel mężczyźni kobiety mieszany chłopcy dziewczyny
  ← 1974 · Mistrzostwa Wimbledonu   · 1976

John Newcombe i Tony Roche byli obrońcami tytułu, ale Newcombe nie startował. Roche współpracował z Colinem Dibleyem , ale przegrał w ćwierćfinale z Dickiem Crealy i Nikolą Piliciem .

Vitas Gerulaitis i Sandy Mayer pokonali Colina Dowdeswella i Allana Stone'a w finale 7: 5, 8: 6, 6: 4 i zdobyli tytuł dżentelmena w grze podwójnej na mistrzostwach Wimbledonu w 1975 roku.


Kliknij numer rozstawiony gracza, aby przejść do jego sekcji losowania.



Egzaminy końcowe

Ćwierćfinały Półfinały Finał
United States
United States Vitas Gerulaitis Sandy Mayer
6 6 6
United Kingdom
United Kingdom Geralda Battricka Grahama Stilwella
4 4 2
United States
United States Vitas Gerulaitis Sandy Mayer
8 3 6 6 6
West Germany
West Germany Jürgena Fassbendera Hansa-Jürgena Pohmanna
9 6 3 3 3
West Germany
West Germany Jürgena Fassbendera Hansa-Jürgena Pohmanna
5 6 6 9
Australia Ross Case Geoff Masters
7 2 1 8
United States
United States Vitas Gerulaitis Sandy Mayer
7 8 6
Australia Colina Dowdeswella Allana Stone'a
5 6 4
Australia Colina Dowdeswella Allana Stone'a
6 6 8 9
3 South Africa
South Africa Boba Hewitta Frew McMillana
3 4 9 8
Australia Colina Dowdeswella Allana Stone'a
9 3 4 9 6
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Dick Crealy Nikola Pilić
8 6 6 8 3
Australia Colina Dibleya Tony'ego Roche'a
4 4 4
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Dick Crealy Nikola Pilić
6 6 6

Górna połowa

Sekcja 1

Pierwsza runda Druga runda Trzecia runda Ćwierćfinały
1 United States
Mexico B Gottfried R Ramírez
6 6 6
Q Australia
Australia M Edmondson S Wright
4 2 2 1 United States
Mexico B Gottfried R Ramírez
2 3 5
United States
United States C Pasarell R. Tanner
6 6 6 United States
United States C Pasarell R. Tanner
6 6 7
United Kingdom
United Kingdom J Feaver J Paish
4 2 4 United States
United States C Pasarell R. Tanner
6 9 5 4
United Kingdom
United Kingdom D Lloyd S Warboys
6 6 2 3 6 United States
United States V Gerulaitis A Mayer
8 8 7 6
United States
United States S Krulevitz T Waltke
3 4 6 6 2 United Kingdom
United Kingdom D Lloyd S Warboys
4 9 4 4
New Zealand
New Zealand A Parun O Parun
bez United States
United States V Gerulaitis A Mayer
6 8 6 6
United States
United States V Gerulaitis A Mayer
United States
United States V Gerulaitis A Mayer
6 6 6
8 United States
United States A Ashe E van Dillen
6 3 6 6 United Kingdom
United Kingdom G Battrick G Stilwell
4 4 2
United States
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia W Brown N Spear
3 6 2 3 8 United States
United States A Ashe E van Dillen
6 4 5
Romania Panatta I Țiriac
8 6 6 Italy
Romania Panatta I Țiriac
8 6 7
Chile P Cornejo J. Fillol
6 3 1 Italy
Romania Panatta I Țiriac
4 6 6 2 3
United Kingdom
United Kingdom G Battrick G Stilwell
9 1 7 9 United Kingdom
United Kingdom G Battrick G Stilwell
6 2 4 6 6
Netherlands H Wąż R Thung
8 6 5 8 United Kingdom
United Kingdom G Battrick G Stilwell
6 6 6
Czechoslovakia J Andrew J Písecký
9 4 6 6 Venezuela
Czechoslovakia J Andrew J Písecký
4 4 4
France P Dominguez G Goven
8 6 3 4

Sekcja 2

Pierwsza runda Druga runda Trzecia runda Ćwierćfinały
4 United States
United States R Lutz S Smith
6 6 6
United States
United States R Fisher R. Kreiss
4 2 3 4 United States
United States R Lutz S Smith
6 8 9 8
LL Australia
Australia P Doerner J James
5 6 8 6 3 United States
Australia M Estep K Warwick
2 9 8 6
United States
Australia M Estep K Warwick
7 3 9 4 6 4 United States
United States R Lutz S Smith
9 8 3 5
Q United States
United States J Fort Neely
8 4 4 West Germany
West Germany J Fassbender HJ Pohmann
7 9 6 7
South Africa
Rhodesia R Moore A Pattison
9 6 6 South Africa
Rhodesia R Moore A Pattison
2 5 6 4
West Germany
West Germany J Fassbender HJ Pohmann
West Germany
West Germany J Fassbender HJ Pohmann
6 7 4 6
Sweden B Andersson T Svensson
bez West Germany
West Germany J Fassbender HJ Pohmann
5 6 6 9
5 Australia
Australia J Alexander P Dent
4 8 6 7 6 Australia
Australia R Case G Masters
7 2 1 8
Australia S Ball R Carmichael
6 6 8 5 4 5 Australia
Australia J Alexander P Dent
3 9 4 4
Argentina JE Mandarino M Vázquez
5 3 4 Czechoslovakia
West Germany M Holeček K Meiler
6 8 6 6
West Germany M Holeček K Meiler
7 6 6 Czechoslovakia
West Germany M Holeček K Meiler
1 6 7 3
Australia R Case G Masters
3 6 7 7 Australia
Australia R Case G Masters
6 8 5 6
South Africa
Austria P Cramer H Kary
6 1 5 5 Australia
Australia R Case G Masters
8 4 3 6 6
India Amritraj V Amritraj
8 4 9 6 India
India Amritraj V Amritraj
6 6 6 1 3
South Africa
South Africa B Bertram J Yuill
6 6 8 1

Dolna połowa

Sekcja 3

Pierwsza runda Druga runda Trzecia runda Ćwierćfinały
Soviet Union
Soviet Union T Kakulia A Metreveli
2 6 7 4 2
United States W Fibak F McNair
6 4 5 6 6 Poland
United States W Fibak F McNair
6 0 3 3
Australia C Dowdeswell Kamień
6 8 8 6 Rhodesia
Australia C Dowdeswell Kamień
3 6 6 6
Q Japan
Japan K Hirai T Sakai
3 6 9 2 Rhodesia
Australia C Dowdeswell Kamień
3 9 6 6
France W N'Godrella P Proisy
bez 7 Netherlands
United States T Okker M Riessen
6 7 3 2
Japan John Bartlett J Kuki
Japan John Bartlett J Kuki
3 3 2
United Kingdom
United Kingdom M Farrell J Lloyd
4 2 3 7 Netherlands
United States T Okker M Riessen
6 6 6
7 Netherlands
United States T Okker M Riessen
6 6 6 Rhodesia
Australia C Dowdeswell Kamień
6 6 8 9
Q South Africa
South Africa D Joubert B Mitton
6 4 6 2 3 3 South Africa
South Africa R. Hewitt F. McMillan
3 4 9 8
United States
United States R Dell S Stewart
3 6 2 6 6 United States
United States R Dell S Stewart
6 6 6
United States B Phillips-Moore E Scott
6 6 6 Australia
United States B Phillips-Moore E Scott
3 4 2
France JF Caujolle J-L Haillet
2 4 4 United States
United States R Dell S Stewart
6 2 2 6 2
Japan J Kamiwazumi Y Tezuka
5 6 7 6 3 South Africa
South Africa R. Hewitt F. McMillan
4 6 6 3 6
Belgium N Kelaidis B Mignot
7 4 5 4 Japan
Japan J Kamiwazumi Y Tezuka
2 4 2
Argentina E Álvarez J Ganzabal
3 3 5 3 South Africa
South Africa R. Hewitt F. McMillan
6 6 6
3 South Africa
South Africa R. Hewitt F. McMillan
6 6 7

Sekcja 4

Pierwsza runda Druga runda Trzecia runda Ćwierćfinały
Australia C Dibley A Roche
6 3 9 6
Czechoslovakia J Hřebec J Kodeš
4 6 8 4 Australia
Australia C Dibley A Roche
3 6 6 6
United States
United States J Andrews M Maczeta
3 9 4 2 United States
United States J Borowiak J McManus
6 3 4 4
United States
United States J Borowiak J McManus
6 8 6 6 Australia
Australia C Dibley A Roche
9 6 6
Brazil I El Shafei T Koch
6 6 6 6 United Kingdom
United Kingdom M Cox R. Taylor
8 3 4
Hungary P Szőke B Taróczy
3 4 4 Egypt
Brazil I El Shafei T Koch
4 4 4
Colombia I Molina J Velasco
3 0 2 6 United Kingdom
United Kingdom M Cox R. Taylor
6 6 6
6 United Kingdom
United Kingdom M Cox R. Taylor
6 6 6 Australia
Australia C Dibley A Roche
4 4 4
Argentina B Borg G Vilas
8 7 8 8 Australia
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia R Crealy N Pilić
6 6 6
United States
Pakistan P Gerken H Rahim
6 5 9 6 Sweden
Argentina B Borg G Vilas
United States
United States J Austin C Owens
6 9 6 United States
United States J Austin C Owens
LL France
Paraguay JB Chanfreau V Pecci
0 8 4 United States
United States J Austin C Owens
6 4 6 5 11
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia R Crealy N Pilić
3 6 6 6 Australia
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia R Crealy N Pilić
3 6 3 7 13
Q United Kingdom
United States J Smith L. Turville
6 3 4 4 Australia
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia R Crealy N Pilić
9 4 6 6
Mexico M Lara J. Loyo Mayo
4 7 2 2 United States
Romania J Connors I Năstase
8 6 4 4
2 United States
Romania J Connors I Năstase
6 9 6

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