Taniec z gwiazdami : „Odcinek 502A” - Charles Ciup, Brian Reason, Hector Ramirez, James Karidas, Dave Levisohn, Larry Heider, Bettina Levesque, Dave Hilmer, Damien Tuffereau, Easter Xua, Mike Malone i Chuck Reilly (ABC)
Jimmy Kimmel na żywo! : „Po rozdaniu Oscarów” - Ervin Hurd, Parker Bartlett, Randy Gomez, Greg Grouwinkel, Garrett Hurt, Ritch Kenney, Kris Wilson, Gary Taillon i Christopher Gray (ABC)
Późna noc z Conanem O'Brienem : „Odcinek 2585” - Gregory Aull , Richard S. Carter, Patrick Casey, Kurt Decker, Eugene Huelsman, Chris Matott, James Palczewski, Vincent Demaio, James Mott, Edward Wallace, James Corgan i Carl Henryk III (NBC)
Późny program z Davidem Lettermanem : „Odcinek 2827” - Timothy W. Kennedy, Karin-Lucie Grzella, David Dorsett, Jack Young, Al Cialino, John Curtin, Fred Shimizu, Daniel L. Campbell, John Hannel, Dan Flaherty, George Rothweiler, Steven G. Kaufman i William J. White (CBS)
50. doroczne nagrody Grammy - John B. Field, Eric Becker, Mike Breece, David Eastwood, Freddy Frederick, Hank Geving, Dean Hall, Larry Heider, Dave Hilmer, Ed Horton, Marc Hunter, Charlie Huntley, Dave Levisohn, Steve Martyniuk, Rob Palmer, Bill Philbin, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Ted Ashton, Keith Winikoff i Guy Jones (CBS)
80. doroczna ceremonia rozdania Oscarów — John B. Field, Kenneth Shapiro, Allan Wells, Ted Ashton, Robert Balton, Danny Bonilla, John Burdick, David Eastwood, Marc Hunter, Charlie Huntley, Dave Levisohn, Lyn Noland, Rob Palmer, Bill Philbin, David Plakos, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Mark Whitman, Kris Wilson, Easter Xua, Keith Dicker, Dean Hall, Steve Martyniuk, Mark Sanford, Keith Winikoff i Chuck Reilly (ABC)
American Idol : „ Idol Gives Back ” – Shiran Stotland, Eric Becker, David Eastwood, Marc Hunter, Bobby Highton, Brian Reason, Easter Xua, Danny Bonilla, George Prince, Ed Horton, John Repczynski, Suzanne Ebner, Diane Beiderbeck, William Chaikowski , Alex Hernandez i Mark Sanford (Fox)
Hansel and Gretel ( Great Performances at the Met ) – Jon Pretnar, Miguel Armstrong, Bill Finley, Manny Gutierrez, Charlie Huntley, John „Kosmo” Kosmaczewski, Alain Onesto, Tim Quigley, Mark Renaudin, David Smith, Larry Solomon, Jim Tufaro, Ron Washburn, Mark Whitman, Jeff Muhlstock, Claus Stuhlweissenburg, Billy Steinberg, Matty Randazzo i Paul Ranieri (PBS)
Justin Timberlake: FutureSex/LoveShow – Keith Winikoff, Ted Ashton, Rob Balton, John Burdick, Robert Delrusso, Manny Gutierrez, Ray Hoover, Gene Kelly, Tore Livia, Steve Martyniuk, John Meiklejohn, Jay Millard, Lyn Noland, Kenneth Patterson, Tim Quigley, Brian Reason, Mark Renaudin, Carlos Rios, Jim Scurti, Eli Clarke, Freddy Frederick, Jimmy Goldsmith, Helene Haviland, Jim Yockey, Rich York, John „Kosmo” Kosmaczewski, Matty Randazzo, Paul Ranieri i Roy Otake (HBO)