Lista okręgów rejestracyjnych w Anglii
Okręgi rejestracyjne zostały utworzone w Anglii i Walii wraz z wprowadzeniem rejestracji stanu cywilnego na mocy ustawy o rejestracji urodzeń i zgonów z 1836 r . Na czele każdego okręgu stoi nadinspektor stanu cywilnego , który ponosi ogólną odpowiedzialność za administrację rejestracji stanu cywilnego w swoim okręgu. Historycznie rzecz biorąc, każdy okręg był podzielony na podokręgi, z których każdy był kierowany przez sekretarza.
Granice okręgów metrykalnych pokrywały się pierwotnie z ubogimi związkami zawodowymi ; jednak liczba okręgów i ich granice zmieniały się znacznie w czasie, przy czym mniejsze okręgi były łączone, a większe dzieliły się zgodnie ze zmianami liczby ludności. Okręgi ewidencyjne nie zawsze pokrywały się z granicami powiatów, nawet po utworzeniu powiatów i dystryktów administracyjnych na mocy ustawy o samorządzie lokalnym z 1888 r . , dlatego były pogrupowane w okręgi ewidencyjne do celów spisu ludności aż do lat trzydziestych XX wieku, kiedy ich granice zostały w pełni wyrównane z lokalnymi powiatami i dzielnice powiatowe.
W Anglii i Walii odpowiedzialność za rejestrację stanu cywilnego spoczywa obecnie na odpowiedniej radzie hrabstwa , organie jednolitym , okręgu metropolitalnym lub gminie Londynu . Obszary samorządowe często obejmowały kilka okręgów ewidencyjnych działających pod nadzorem władz lokalnych; jednak seria fuzji na przełomie lat 2000 i 2010 oznacza, że granice obwodów ewidencyjnych są teraz identyczne z granicami władz lokalnych.
Ta lista jest kompletna i aktualna na kwiecień 2020 r.
Powiat Rejestracja | Hrabstwo rejestracji | Utworzony | zniesione | Notatki |
Abingdon | Oxfordshire/Berkshire | 1837 | 2001 | |
Acle | Norfolk | 1939 | 1974 | |
Alcester | Warwickshire | 1837 | 1985 | |
Alderbury | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1895 | |
Aldershota | Hampshire | 1932 | 1974 | |
Aldridge i Brownhills | Staffordshire | 1966 | 1974 | |
Alnwick | Northumberland | 1837 | 1936 | |
Alresford | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Alston | Cumberland | 1837 | 1974 | |
Altona | Hampshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Altrincham | Cheshire | 1837 | 1898 | |
Alverstoke'a | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Bursztynowa Dolina | Derbyshire | 1994 | 2013 | |
Amersham | Buckinghamshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Amesbury | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1936 | |
Obfitość | Lancashire | 1935 | 1974 | |
Ampthill | Bedfordshire | 1837 | 1999 | |
Andover | Hampshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Appleby | Kumbria | 1974 | 1984 | |
Ashbourne'a | Derbyshire | 1837 | 2013 | |
Ashby de la Zouch | Leicestershire | 1837 | 1949 | |
Ashforda | Kent | 1941 | 1998 | |
Ashford z Shepwayem | Kent | 1998 | 2003 | |
Ashtona | Lancashire | 1937 | 1974 | |
Ashton & Oldham | Lancashire | 1837 | 1848 | |
Ashton pod okiem Lyne'a | Lancashire | 1848 | 1937 | |
Askrigg | Yorkshire North Riding | 1837 | 1869 | |
Astona | Warwickshire | 1837 | 1924 | |
Atcham | Shropshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Atherstone | Warwickshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Okland | Durham | 1837 | 1938 | |
Axbridge | Somerset | 1837 | 1936 | |
Axminster | Devon | 1837 | 1936 | |
Aylesbury | Buckinghamshire | 1837 | 1985 | |
Dolina Aylesbury | Buckinghamshire | 1985 | 2007 | |
Aylsham | Norfolk | 1837 | 1938 | |
Aysgarth | Yorkshire North Riding | 1869 | 1936 | |
Bakewell | Derbyshire | 1839 | 2013 | |
Banbury | Oxfordshire | 1837 | 2001 | |
Korowanie | Większy Londyn | 1965 | 1980 | |
Barkston Ash | Yorkshire West Riding | 1947 | 1974 | |
stodoły | Devon | 1837 | 1998 | |
Barrow w Furnessie | Kumbria/Lancashire | 1876 | 2011 | |
Barrow nad Soarem | Leicestershire | 1837 | 1949 | |
Siedziba | Wielki Manchester/Lancashire | 1934 | 1980 | |
Barton Regis | Gloucestershire | 1877 | 1905 | |
Barton nad Irwellem | Lancashire | 1850 | 1934 | |
Bartona, Worsleya i Flixtona | Lancashire | 1838 | 1841 | |
Basforda | Nottinghamshire | 1837 | 2012 | |
Basingstoke | Hampshire | 1837 | 2001 | |
Bassetlaw | Nottinghamshire | 2005 | 2012 | |
Wanna | Avon/Somerset | 1974 | 1996 | |
Bathavon | Somerset | 1936 | 1974 | |
Battersea | Londyn | 1930 | 1965 | |
Bitwa | East Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 1977 | |
Beaminster | Dorset | 1837 | 1937 | |
Bedale | Yorkshire North Riding | 1839 | 1936 | |
Bedforda | Bedfordshire | 1837 | 1999 | |
Bedfordshire | Bedfordshire | 1999 | 2009 | |
Bedminster | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 1899 | |
Belford | Northumberland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Bellingham | Northumberland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Belper | Derbyshire | 1837 | 1994 | |
Berkhamstead | Hertfordshire | 1837 | 1939 | |
Berkhamsteda | Hertfordshire | 1939 | 1974 | |
Bermondseya | Londyn | 1837 | 1965 | Zniesiony w 1870 r. Odtworzony w 1934 r. |
Berwicka | Northumberland | 1837 | 1936 | |
Bethnal Green | Londyn/Płeć średnia | 1837 | 1966 | |
Beverley | East Riding of Yorkshire/Humberside | 1837 | 2002 | Zniesiony w 1937 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Bicester | Oxfordshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Bideforda | Devon | 1837 | 1998 | |
Biggleswade | Bedfordshire | 1837 | 1999 | |
Billesdon | Leicestershire | 1837 | 1949 | |
Bilston | Staffordshire | 1935 | 1966 | |
Binghama | Nottinghamshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Birkenhead | Merseyside/Cheshire | 1861 | 1998 | |
Birmingham Północ | Warwickshire | 1924 | 1932 | |
Birmingham Południe | Warwickshire | 1924 | 1932 | |
Bishopsgate | Londyn | 1837 | 1838 | |
Blaby | Leicestershire | 1837 | 1949 | |
Blackburn | Lancashire | 1837 | 1998 | |
Blackpool & Fylde | Lancashire | 1974 | 1998 | |
Blandford | Dorset | 1837 | 1956 | |
czysty | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Blofield | Norfolk | 1837 | 1938 | |
Bloomsbury | Londyn | 1837 | 1838 | |
Blyth | Suffolk | 1935 | 1983 | |
Blything | Suffolk | 1837 | 1935 | |
Bodmin | Kornwalia | 1837 | 2007 | |
butelka | Cumberland | 1837 | 1939 | |
butelka | Merseyside/Lancashire | 1934 | 1980 | |
Granica | Cumberland | 1937 | 1974 | |
Bosmere | Suffolk | 1837 | 1935 | |
Boston | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Cel | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | Zniesiony w 1934 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Bourne i South Kesteven | Lincolnshire | 1934 | 1974 | |
Bournemouth | Dorset/Hampshire | 1932 | 2019 | |
Bournemouth i Christchurch | Hampshire | 1925 | 1932 | |
Brackleya | Northamptonshire | 1837 | 2001 | |
Bracknell | Berkshire | 1974 | 1998 | |
Bradfielda | Berkshire | 1837 | 1937 | |
Bradforda | Yorkshire West Riding/West Yorkshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Bradford na Avon | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1936 | |
Bramhama | Yorkshire West Riding | 1862 | 1869 | |
Bramley | Yorkshire West Riding | 1863 | 1925 | |
Bramley & Holbeck | Yorkshire West Riding | 1925 | 1929 | |
Bramptona | Cumberland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Brentford | płeć średnia | 1837 | 1947 | |
Most | Kent | 1837 | 1974 | |
Bridgnorth | Shropshire | 1837 | 2005 | |
Bridgwater | Somerset | 1837 | 1974 | |
Bridlingtona | East Riding of Yorkshire/Humberside | 1837 | 2002 | Zniesiony w 1937 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Bridport | Dorset | 1837 | 1997 | |
Brighton | East Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 1998 | |
Brixwortha | Northamptonshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Bromsgrove | Worcestershire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2006 | |
Bromyard | Herefordshire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2008 | |
Buckinghama | Buckinghamshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Bucklow | Cheshire | 1898 | 1974 | |
różyczka | Yorkshire East Riding | 1937 | 1974 | |
Bullingdon | Oxfordshire | 1964 | 2001 | |
Bulmer | Yorkshire North Riding | 1936 | 1974 | |
Burnleya | Lancashire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Burnley & Pendle | Lancashire | 1974 | 2005 | |
Burton nad Trentem | Staffordshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Pochowaj św. Edmunda | Suffolk | 1837 | 2010 | |
Kastor | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Caldera | Yorkshire West Riding | 1938 | 1974 | |
Calne | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1936 | |
Camberwell | Surrey/Wielki Londyn | 1837 | 1991 | |
Camborne'a Redrutha | Kornwalia | 1974 | 2007 | |
Cambridge | Cambridgeshire | 1837 | 2007 | Zniesiony w 1935 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Camelford | Kornwalia | 1837 | 1995 | |
Cannock | Staffordshire | 1877 | 1974 | |
Pościg za Cannockiem | Staffordshire | 1974 | 2008 | |
Canterbury | Kent | 1837 | 1998 | |
Canterbury ze Swale | Kent | 1998 | 2003 | |
Carlisle'a | Cumberland/Cumbria | 1837 | 2011 | |
Oddział Zamkowy | Northumberland | 1837 | 1936 | |
Castleford | Yorkshire West Riding | 1862 | 1868 | |
Catherington | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Caxtona | Cambridgeshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Centralne Cleveland | Cleveland | 1974 | 1996 | |
Centralny Durham | Durham | 2004 | 2006 | |
Cerne | Dorset | 1837 | 1838 | |
Chailey | Sussex | 1837 | 1838 | |
Chanctonbury | Sussex | 1935 | 1974 | |
Chapel en le Frith | Derbyshire | 1838 | 1974 | |
Boćwina | Somerset | 1837 | 1974 | |
Chatham | Kent | 1941 | 1998 | |
Cheadle'a | Staffordshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Chelsea | Middlesex/Wielki Londyn | 1841 | 1981 | |
Cheltenham | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 2006 | |
Chertsey | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Cheshire | Cheshire | 2007 | 2009 | |
Centrum Cheshire | Cheshire | 1998 | 2007 | |
Zachód Cheshire | Cheshire | 1998 | 2007 | |
Chester | Cheshire | 1870 | 1974 | |
Port Chester & Ellesmere | Cheshire | 1974 | 1998 | |
Chester le Street | Durham | 1837 | 1938 | |
Chesterfield | Derbyshire | 1837 | 2013 | |
Chestertona | Cambridgeshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Chichester | Sussex | 1837 | 1974 | |
Chiltern & Beaconsfield | Buckinghamshire | 1974 | 1988 | |
Chiltern & South Bucks | Buckinghamshire | 1988 | 1998 | |
Wzgórza Chiltern | Buckinghamshire | 1998 | 2007 | |
Chippenham | Wiltshire | 1938 | 2008 | |
Odpryskiwanie Nortona | Oxfordshire | 1837 | 1982 | |
Chipping Sodbury | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 1937 | |
Chorley | Lancashire | 1837 | 2005 | |
Chorlton | Lancashire | 1837 | 1925 | |
Christchurch | Hampshire | 1837 | 1974 | Zniesiony w 1925 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Kościół Stretton | Shropshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Cirencester | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 2006 | |
Klaro | North Yorkshire/Yorkshire West Riding | 1947 | 1998 | |
Cleethorpes | Lincolnshire | 1938 | 1974 | |
Cleobury Mortimer | Shropshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Clerkenwell | Londyn | 1837 | 1869 | |
Cleveland | Yorkshire North Riding | 1936 | 1974 | |
Cliftona | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 1877 | |
Clitheroe | Lancashire | 1837 | 1974 | |
klun | Shropshire | 1837 | 2005 | |
Clutton | Somerset | 1837 | 1936 | |
Coalville | Leicestershire | 1949 | 2000 | |
Cockermouth | Kumbria/Cumberland | 1837 | 2011 | |
Congleton | Cheshire | 1837 | 1937 | |
Congleton & Crewe | Cheshire | 1974 | 1991 | |
Cookhama | Berkshire | 1837 | 1896 | |
Corby'ego | Northamptonshire | 1974 | 2010 | |
Cosford | Suffolk | 1837 | 1938 | |
Cranbrook | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Crawleya | West Sussex | 1974 | 2010 | |
Crediton | Devon | 1837 | 1936 | |
Crewe | Cheshire | 1937 | 1974 | |
Cricklade | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1936 | |
Crosby'ego | Merseyside/Lancashire | 1974 | 1980 | |
Crowborough | East Sussex | 2000 | 2008 | |
Cuckfielda | West Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 1980 | |
Dartford | Kent | 1837 | 1980 | |
Darwena | Lancashire | 1937 | 1974 | |
Daventry | Northamptonshire | 1837 | 2010 | |
Deben | Suffolk | 1935 | 2010 | |
Deptford | Większy Londyn | 1930 | 1966 | |
Depwade | Norfolk | 1837 | 2012 | |
derby | Derbyshire | 1837 | 2013 | |
wymyśla | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1998 | |
Devizes & Marlborough | Wiltshire | 1998 | 2008 | |
Centrum Devon | Devon | 1936 | 1974 | |
Devonport | Devon | 1898 | 1937 | |
Dewsbury'ego | Zachodni Yorkshire | 1837 | ? | |
Dokowanie | Norfolk | 1837 | 1938 | |
Dolina Dona | Yorkshire West Riding | 1938 | 1974 | |
Dorchester | Dorset | 1837 | 1949 | |
Dora | Herefordshire | 1837 | 1838 | |
Dorking | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Dover | Kent | 1837 | 1998 | |
Downham | Norfolk | 1837 | 2012 | |
Driffield | Yorkshire East Riding | 1837 | 1937 | |
Droitwich | Hereford i Worcester/Worcestershire | 1837 | 2006 | |
Droxford | Hampshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Dulverton | Somerset | 1855 | 1936 | Zniesiony w 1838 r. Odtworzony w 1855 r. |
Dunstable | Bedfordshire | 1964 | 1999 | |
Durham | Durham | 1837 | 1938 | |
Centrum Durham | Durham | 1938 | 2004 | Zniesiony w 1971 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Durham Środkowa i Południowo-Wschodnia | Durham | 1971 | 1974 | |
Wschodnie Durham | Durham | 1938 | 2006 | |
Durham północno-wschodni | Durham | 1938 | 1974 | |
Durham północno-zachodni | Durham | 1938 | 1974 | |
Durham Północny | Durham | 1938 | 2004 | |
Południowo-wschodnia część Durham | Durham | 1938 | 1971 | |
Durham południowo-zachodni | Durham | 1938 | 2000 | |
Durham Western | Durham | 1938 | 2006 | |
Dursleya | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 1937 | |
Easingtona | Durham | 1837 | 1938 | |
Easingwold | Yorkshire North Riding | 1837 | 1936 | |
East Ashford | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Wschodnie Cleveland | Cleveland | 1974 | 1996 | |
East Dereham | Norfolk | 1939 | 2012 | |
Wschodni Devon | Devon | 1998 | 2007 | |
Wschodni Dorset | Dorset | 1997 | 2005 | |
East Elloe | Lincolnshire | 1936 | 2003 | |
East Grinstead | Sussex | 1837 | 1935 | |
East Ham | Większy Londyn | 1965 | 1968 | |
Wschodni londyn | Londyn | 1838 | 1870 | |
East Preston | Sussex | 1870 | 1935 | |
East Retford | Nottinghamshire | 1837 | 2005 | |
East Staffordshire | Staffordshire | 1974 | 2008 | |
East Stonehouse | Devon | 1837 | 1937 | |
Wschodnie Surrey | Surrey | 2000 | 2008 | |
Oddział Wschodni | Westmorland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Eastbourne | East Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 2008 | |
Easthampstead | Berkshire | 1837 | 1974 | Zniesiony w 1937 r. Odtworzony w 1967 r. |
Eastleigh | Hampshire | 1927 | 1932 | |
wschodni | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Ecclesalla Bierlowa | Yorkshire West Riding | 1837 | 1935 | |
Ecclesfield | Yorkshire West Riding | 1837 | 1850 | |
Edmonton | płeć średnia | 1837 | 1965 | |
Elham | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Ellesmere'a | Shropshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Ely | Cambridgeshire | 1837 | 2007 | |
Epsom | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Erewash | Derbyshire | 1997 | 2013 | |
Erpingham | Norfolk | 1837 | 1939 | |
Eton | Buckinghamshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Evesham | Worcestershire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2006 | |
Ewecross | North Yorkshire/Yorkshire West Riding | 1947 | 1998 | |
Exeter | Devon | 1837 | 2007 | |
Exmoor | Somerset | 1936 | 1974 | |
Fakenham | Norfolk | 1939 | 2012 | |
Falmouth | Kornwalia | 1837 | 2007 | |
Farehama | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Faringdon | Berkshire | 1837 | 1937 | |
Farnborough | Hampshire | 1846 | 1869 | |
Farnhama | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Farnworth | Lancashire | 1935 | 1974 | |
Farringdon | Londyn | 1837 | 1838 | |
Faversham | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Fenland | Cambridgeshire | 1980 | 2007 | |
Finsbury'ego | Londyn | 1930 | 1965 | |
Fleetwood | Lancashire | 1974 | 1982 | |
Fleetwood & Fylde | Lancashire | 1998 | 2005 | |
Flegg | Norfolk | 1837 | 1925 | |
Foleshill | Warwickshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Folkestone | Kent | 1941 | 1974 | |
Fordingbridge | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Forehoe | Norfolk | 1837 | 1939 | |
Las Dziekana | Gloucestershire | 1937 | 2006 | |
Freebridge Lynn | Norfolk | 1837 | 1939 | |
Frome | Somerset | 1837 | 1974 | |
Fulham | Londyn/Płeć średnia | 1875 | 2001 | |
Fylde | Lancashire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Gainsborough | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Garstang | Lancashire | 1837 | 1998 | |
Gipsowanie | Suffolk | 1935 | 1983 | |
Gipping & Hartismere | Suffolk | 1983 | 2010 | |
Glanford Brigg | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 1938 | |
Glendale | Northumberland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Połysk | Derbyshire | 1898 | 1974 | |
Gloucester | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 2006 | Zniesiony w 1937 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Miasto Gloucester | Gloucestershire | 1937 | 1974 | |
Wieś Gloucester | Gloucestershire | 1937 | 1974 | |
boski kamień | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Goole | Humberside/Yorkshire West Riding | 1837 | 2002 | |
Gosport | Hampshire | 1932 | 1974 | |
Granthama | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | Zniesiony w 1934 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Gravesend | Kent | 1837 | 2003 | Zniesiony w 1941 r. Odtworzony w 1980 r. |
Wielki Boughton | Cheshire | 1837 | 1870 | |
Wielki Ouseburn | Yorkshire West Riding | 1854 | 1947 | |
Wielkie Yarmouth | Norfolk | 1939 | 2012 | |
Grimsby'ego | Humberside/Lincolnshire | 1897 | 1996 | |
Guildford | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Krzyż winy | Norfolk | 1837 | 1902 | |
Guisborough | Yorkshire North Riding | 1837 | 1936 | |
Hailsham | East Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 1976 | |
Halifax | Zachodni Yorkshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Zatrzymać się | Cheshire | 1974 | ? | |
Gwizdek | Northumberland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Hambledon | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
kowal | Większy Londyn | 1915 | 2001 | |
Północne Hampshire | Hampshire | 2001 | 2008 | |
Hampstead | Wielki Londyn/Middlesex | 1848 | 1977 | |
Hardingstone'a | Northamptonshire | 1837 | 1924 | |
Brona | płeć średnia | 1947 | 1965 | |
Hartismere | Suffolk | 1837 | 1983 | |
Hartleya Wintneya | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Haslingdena | Lancashire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Hastingsa | East Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 1977 | |
Hastingsa i Rothera | East Sussex | 1977 | 2008 | |
Havant | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Hayfielda | Derbyshire | 1838 | 1938 | |
Haywards Heath | West Sussex | 1980 | 2010 | |
Headington | Oxfordshire | 1837 | 1933 | |
Helmsleya | Yorkshire North Riding | 1837 | 1936 | |
Helston | Kornwalia | 1837 | 1936 | |
Hemswortha | Yorkshire West Riding | 1850 | 1974 | |
Hendon | Wielki Londyn/Middlesex | 1837 | 1999 | |
Henley | Oxfordshire | 1837 | 2001 | |
Henstead | Norfolk | 1837 | 1939 | |
Hereford | Herefordshire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2008 | |
Hexham | Northumberland | 1837 | 1937 | |
Heywood | Lancashire | 1934 | 1974 | |
Wysoki szczyt | Derbyshire | 1837 | 2013 | Zniesiony w 1838 r. Odtworzony w 1974 r. |
Highworth | Wiltshire | 1837 | 1899 | |
Hinckleya | Leicestershire | 1837 | 2000 | |
Hitchina | Hertfordshire | 1837 | 1897 | |
Holbeacha | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 1936 | |
Holbecka | Yorkshire West Riding | 1862 | 1925 | |
Holborn | Londyn/Płeć średnia | 1837 | 1965 | |
Posiadanie | Yorkshire East Riding | 1937 | 1974 | |
Hollingbourne'a | Kent | 1837 | 1941 | |
Holsworthy'ego | Devon | 1837 | 1998 | |
Honiton | Devon | 1837 | 1998 | |
Hoo | Kent | 1837 | 1923 | |
Horncastle | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Horsham | West Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 2010 | |
Horwicha | Lancashire | 1935 | 1968 | |
Houghton le Spring | Durham | 1837 | 1938 | |
Hove | East Sussex/Sussex | 1935 | 1998 | |
Howdena | Yorkshire East Riding | 1837 | 1937 | |
Howdenshire | Yorkshire East Riding | 1937 | 1974 | |
Hoxne | Suffolk | 1837 | 1907 | |
Huddersfield | West Yorkshire/Yorkshire West Riding | 1974 | ? | |
Hungerford | Berkshire | 1837 | 1937 | |
Hunslet | Yorkshire West Riding | 1845 | 1929 | |
Huntingdon | Cambridgeshire/Huntingdonshire | 1837 | 2007 | |
Północ Huntingdonshire | Huntingdonshire | 1934 | 1968 | |
Hursley | Hampshire | 1837 | 1838 | |
Hyde | Cheshire | 1937 | 1974 | |
Hyndburna i Rossendale'a | Lancashire | 1974 | 2005 | |
Ilkestona | Derbyshire | 1938 | 1997 | |
Ince | Lancashire | 1936 | 1974 | |
Ipswich | Suffolk | 1837 | 2010 | |
Jarrow | Tyne & Wear | 1974 | 2001 | |
Keighley | Zachodni Yorkshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Kendal | Kumbria/Westmorland | 1837 | 2011 | |
Kensington | Londyn/Płeć średnia | 1837 | 1981 | |
Kerriera | Kornwalia | 1936 | 2007 | |
Kettering | Northamptonshire | 1837 | 2010 | |
Ketton | Rutland | 1934 | 1974 | |
Keynsham | Gloucestershire | 1837 | 1936 | |
Kidderminster | Worcestershire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2006 | |
Królowie Lynn | Norfolk | 1837 | 2012 | |
Kings Norton | Worcestershire | 1837 | 1924 | |
Most królów | Devon | 1837 | 1998 | |
Kingsclere | Hampshire | 1837 | 1932 | |
Kingsclere i Whitchurch | Hampshire | 1932 | 2000 | |
Kingston | Surrey | 1837 | 1934 | |
Kingswinford | Staffordshire | 1934 | 1937 | |
Kingswood | Gloucestershire | 1937 | 1974 | |
Kingtona | Hereford i Worcester | 1974 | 1998 | |
Kingtona | Herefordshire | 1871 | 1974 | |
Kirkdeighton | Yorkshire West Riding | 1861 | 1869 | |
Kirkstall | Yorkshire West Riding | 1862 | 1869 | |
Knaresborough | Yorkshire West Riding | 1837 | 1946 | |
Knighton | Herefordshire/Radnorshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Lancastera | Lancashire | 1837 | 2005 | |
Lanchester | Durham | 1837 | 1938 | Zniesiony w 1838 r. Odtworzony w 1875 r. |
Langport | Somerset | 1837 | 1936 | |
Launceston | Kornwalia | 1837 | 2007 | |
Ledbury | Herefordshire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2008 | |
Północ Leeds | Yorkshire West Riding | 1929 | 1939 | |
Południe Leeds | Yorkshire West Riding | 1929 | 1939 | |
Por | Staffordshire | 1837 | 1974 | |
Centrum Leicestershire | Leicestershire | 1949 | 1997 | |
Leigh | Wielki Manchester/Lancashire | 1974 | 1995 | |
Leighton Buzzard | Bedfordshire | 1837 | 1999 | |
Leominster | Herefordshire/Hereford i Worcester | 1837 | 2008 | |
Lewes | East Sussex/Sussex | 1837 | 2008 | |
Leyburna | Yorkshire North Riding | 1837 | 1936 | |
Lichfield | Staffordshire | 1837 | 2008 | |
Wapno | Londyn | 1921 | 1926 | |
Lincolna | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Lintona | Cambridgeshire | 1837 | 1935 | |
Liskeard | Kornwalia | 1837 | 2007 | |
Littleborough | Lancashire | 1936 | 1974 | |
Północ Liverpoolu | Lancashire | 1934 | 1969 | |
Południe Liverpoolu | Lancashire | 1934 | 1969 | |
Loddon | Norfolk | 1837 | 1938 | |
Długiego Ashtona | Somerset | 1899 | 1936 | |
Longtown | Cumberland | 1837 | 1939 | |
Lothingland | Suffolk | 1935 | 1974 | |
Loughborough | Leicestershire | 1837 | 2000 | |
Louth | Lincolnshire | 1837 | 2003 | |
Dolny Agbrigg | Yorkshire West Riding | 1939 | 1974 | |
Ludlow | Shropshire | 1837 | 2005 | |
Lunesdale | Lancashire | 1869 | 1974 |
- ^ Drewno, Tom (1994). Wprowadzenie do rejestracji stanu cywilnego . Federacja Towarzystw Historii Rodziny. ISBN 9781872094847 .
- ^ „Rejestr rejonowy rejestracji” . . Rząd Wielkiej Brytanii . Źródło 25 czerwca 2020 r .
- Bibliografia _ Podręcznik do okręgów rejestracji stanu cywilnego Anglii i Walii . B. Langstona. ISBN 9780954091118 .
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