Antologie poezji pingwinów
Antologie poezji Penguin , wydawane przez Penguin Books , czasami odgrywały rolę „trzeciej siły” w poezji brytyjskiej , mniej literackie niż antologie Faber i Faber i mniej akademickie niż antologie Oxford University Press . [ potrzebne źródło ] .
Księga pingwinów wiktoriańskich wierszy (1997)
Pod redakcją Daniela Karlina. Wśród poetów byli
William Allingham - Alexander Anderson - Matthew Arnold - Alfred Austin - WE Aytoun - Jane Barlow - William Barnes - Thomas Lovell Beddoes - Hilaire Belloc - AC Benson - LS Bevington - Laurence Binyon - Samuel Laman Blanchard - Mathilde Blind - Robert Bridges - Anne Brontë - Charlotte Brontë - Shirley Brooks - TE Brown - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Caerleon - CS Calverley - William Canton - Lewis Carroll - Elizabeth Charles - John Clare - Arthur Hugh Clough - Hartley Coleridge - Mary E. Coleridge - Mortimer Collins - Eliza Cook - Thomas Cooper - William Johnson Cory- John Davidson - Richard Watson Dixon - Sydney Thompson Dobell - Digby Mackworth Dolben - Alfred Domett - Edward Dowden - Ernest Dowson - RE Egerton-Warburton - George Eliot - Ebenezer Elliott - Anne Evans - Sebastian Evans - Michael Field - Edward Fitzgerald - David Gray - John Gray - Dora Greenwell - Thomas Gordon Hake - John Hanmer - Thomas Hardy - Frances Ridley Havergal - Robert Stephen Hawker - WE Henley - James Henry - Thomas Hood - Gerard Manley Hopkins - AE Housman - Mary Howitt - Leigh Hunt - Jean Ingelow - Lionel Johnson - Ebenezer Jones - Ernest Jones - May Kendall - Harriet Eleanor Hamilton King - Charles Kingsley - Rudyard Kipling - Mary Montgomerie Lamb - Letitia Elizabeth Landon - Walter Savage Landor - William Larminie - Edward Lear - Eugene Lee-Hamilton - Robert Leighton - Amy Levy - Caroline Lindsay - Frederick Locker-Lampson - Alfred Comyns Lyall - Robert Bulwer-Lytton - James Clarence Mangan - Philip Bourke Marston - George Meredith - Alice Meynell - Thomas Miller - FB Money-Coutts - Cosmo Monkhouse - William Morris - Arthur Munby - Robert Fuller Murray - Constance Naden - Edith Nesbit - Henry Newbolt - Eliza Ogilvy - George Outram - Coventry Patmore - Emily Pfeiffer - Stephen Phillips - Victor Plarr - May Probyn - Adelaide Anne Procter - Bryan Waller Procter - Dollie Radford - William Brighty Rands - William Renton - James Logie Robertson - Mary F. Robinson - William Caldwell Roscoe - William Stewart Rose - Christina G. Rossetti - George William Russell - Richard Hill Sandys - William Bell Scott - George Augustus Simcox - Joseph Skipsey - Menella Bute Smedley - Alexander Smith - Walter C. Smith - JK Stephen - Robert Louis Stevenson - Henry Septimus Sutton - Algernon Charles Swinburne - Arthur Symons - Henry Taylor - Alfred Tennyson - William Makepeace Thackeray - William Thom - Francis Thompson - James Thomson – John Todhunter – Charles Turner - John Leicester Warren - Rosamund Marriott Watson - William Watson - Augusta Webster - Charles Whitehead - Oscar Wilde - James Chapman Woods - William Wordsworth - WB Yeats
Poezja lat dziewięćdziesiątych (1970)
Pod redakcją RKR Thorntona. Wśród poetów byli
Alfred Austin - John Barlas - Aubrey Beardsley - Laurence Binyon - Olive Custance - John Davidson - RW Dixon - Lord Alfred Douglas - Ernest Dowson - Michael Field - John Gray - GA Greene - Thomas Hardy - WE Henley - Herbert Horne - AE Housman - Selwyn Zdjęcie - Lionel Johnson - Rudyard Kipling - Richard Le Gallienne - Eugene Lee-Hamilton - Alice Meynell - Henry Newbolt - Vincent O'Sullivan - Stephen Phillips - Victor Plarr - Dollie Radford - Ernest Radford - Ernest Rhys - Arthur Symons - Francis Thompson - Theodore Wratislaw - WB Yeats
Poezja lat trzydziestych (1964)
Pod redakcją Robina Skeltona . Wśród poetów byli
Kenneth Allott - WH Auden - George Barker - Julian Bell - John Betjeman - Ronald Bottrall - Norman Cameron - Christopher Caudwell - John Cornford - Hugh Sykes Davies - Clifford Dyment - William Empson - Gavin Ewart - Edgar Foxall - Roy Fuller - David Gascoyne - Geoffrey Grigson - Bernard Gutteridge - Robert Hamer - Rayner Heppenstall - Peter Hewitt - Laurie Lee - John Lehmann - C. Day-Lewis - Louis MacNeice - Charles Madge - HB Mallalieu - Philip O'Connor - Clere Parsons - Geoffrey Parsons - FT Prince - John Pudney - Henry Reed - Anne Ridler - Michael Roberts - Roger Roughton - Francis Scarfe - John Short - Bernard Spencer - Stephen Spender - Randall Swingler - Julian Symons - Dylan Thomas - Ruthven Todd - Rex Warner - Vernon Watkins
Księga pingwinów wersetu z hiszpańskiej wojny domowej (1980)
Pod redakcją Valentine'a Cunninghama . Wśród poetów i kilku pisarzy byli:
Valentine Ackland - Rafael Alberti - Manuel Altolaguirre - WH Auden - George Barker - Clive Branson - J. Bronowski - Albert Brown - Roy Campbell - Maurice Carpenter - Christopher Caudwell - Richard Church - Elisabeth Cluer - John Cornford - Nancy Cunard - Charles Donnelly - Eric Edney – AM Elliott – Redmayne Fitzgerald – Edgar Foxall – Francis Fuentes – Roy Fuller - R. Gardner - Pedro Garfias - Geoffrey Grigson - Julio D. Guillén - Bernard Gutteridge - Hans Haflin - Charlotte Haldane - JC Hall - Bill Harrington - Margot Heinemann - JF Hendry - Miguel Hernández - Brian Howard - TAR Hyndman - Luis Perez Infante - WB Keal - L. Kendall - HM King - AS Knowland - Laurie Lee - John Lepper - C. Day-Lewis - Jack Lindsay - FL Lucas - Antonio García Luque - Somhairle Macalastair - Hugh MacDiarmid - Donagh MacDonagh - Antonio Machado - Louis MacNeice - HB Mallalieu - Ewart Milne - Pablo Neruda - TE Nicholas - George Orwell - Aileen Palmer - Felix Paredes - Geoffrey Parsons - Herbert L. Peacock - José Herrera Petere - Plá y Bertran - Ka thleen Raine - Herbert Read - Stanley Richardson - Edgell Rickword - JT Roderick - Jacques Roumain - Strzelec - Blanaid Salkeld - Zofia Schleyen - Bernard Spencer - HG Sutcliffe - Luis de Tapia - Ruthven Todd - Miles Tomalin - González Tuñón - Lorenzo Varela - José Moreno Villa - Rex Warner - Sylvia Townsend Warner , Tom Wintringham i LJ Yates
Poezja lat czterdziestych (1968)
Pod redakcją Robina Skeltona. Wśród poetów byli
Drummond Allison - Kenneth Allott - Patrick Anderson - WH Auden - George Barker - John Bayliss - William Bell - Peter Black - George Bruce - Demetrios Capetanakis - Leonard Clark - Alex Comfort - Dorian Cooke - RN Currey - Paul Dehn - Patric Dickinson - Keith Douglas - Lawrence'a Durrella - DJ Enright - Robin Fedden - GS Fraser - Ernest Frost - Roy Fuller - Roland Gant - Wrey Gardiner - David Gascoyne - WS Graham - KR Gray - Bernard Gutteridge - Michael Hamburger - John Heath-Stubbs - Alexander Henderson - JF Hendry - John Jarmain - Seán Jennett - Sidney Keyes - Francis King - James Kirkup - Christopher Lee - Laurie Lee - Patrick Leigh Fermor - Alun Lewis - C. Day-Lewis - Reg Levy - Robert Liddell - Emanuel Litvinoff - Norman MacCaig - Neil McCallum - Louis MacNeice - Roland Mathias - JS Mollison - James Monahan - Jane Moore - Nicholas Moore - Norman Nicholson - Julian Orde - David Paul - Mervyn Peake - FT Prince — Kathleen Raine — Henry Reed — Anne Ridler — Iver Roberts-Jones — WR Rodgers — Alan Rook — Alan Ross — Vernon Scannell — Francis Scarfe — Lawrie Scarlett — Bernard Spencer — Stephen Spender — Hal Summers — Julian Symons — Dylan Thomas — RS Thomas — Frank Thompson — Terence Tiller - Ruthven Todd - Henry Treece - James Walker - Vernon Watkins - Paul Widdows
- Nowa poezja (1962, 1966)
Połowa wieku: poezja angielska 1940–60 (1965)
Pod redakcją Davida Wrighta. Wśród poetów byli
Dannie Abse - Drummond Allison - JC Ashby - WH Auden - George Barker - William Bell - John Betjeman - Thomas Blackburn - Norman Cameron - Roy Campbell - Maurice Carpenter - Charles Causley - Anthony Cronin - Donald Davie - Keith Douglas - Lawrence Durrell - William Empson - Roy Fuller - David Gascoyne - WS Graham - Robert Graves - Thom Gunn - Michael Hamburger - John Heath-Stubbs - Brian Higgins - Geoffrey Hill - Ted Hughes - Elizabeth Jennings - Patrick Kavanagh - Sidney Keyes - Philip Larkin - Christopher Logue - Hugh MacDiarmid - Louis MacNeice - Dom Moraes - Edwin Muir - William Plomer – FT Prince – Martin Seymour-Smith – CH Sisson – Stevie Smith – Dylan Thomas – Anthony Thwaite – Charles Tomlinson – Vernon Watkins
- Poezja brytyjska od 1945 roku
- Dzieci Albionu: Poezja podziemia w Wielkiej Brytanii
- Pingwin Księga współczesnej poezji brytyjskiej (1982)
Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse (1918–1960)
The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse to antologia poezji opublikowana po raz pierwszy w 1950 roku i zredagowana przez Kennetha Allotta , ogólnie ograniczona do poetów brytyjskich (w tym TS Eliot , Sylvia Plath i kilku poetów irlandzkich). Jego znaczące i rozbudowane wydanie drugie z 1962 roku zawiera zaangażowany Wstęp Allotta, wykazujący szczególną troskę o odpowiedź na Ruchu o „neoromantycznym” stylu lat 40. XX wieku, z perspektywy kolejnych kilkunastu lat.
Poeci w Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse, wydanie drugie
Kenneth Allott - A. Alvarez - Kingsley Amis - WH Auden - George Barker - Patricia Beer - William Bell - John Betjeman - Laurence Binyon - Thomas Blackburn - Edmund Blunden - Norman Cameron - Roy Campbell - Robert Conquest - Hilary Corke - Donald Davie - Cecil Day-Lewis - Walter de la Mare - Lawrence Durrell - TS Eliot - William Empson - DJ Enright - Christopher Fry - Roy Fuller - David Gascoyne - WS Graham - Robert Graves - Thom Gunn - John Heath-Stubbs - Geoffrey Hill - John Holloway - Ted Hughes - Aldous Huxley - Elizabeth Jennings - James Joyce - Sidney Keyes - Thomas Kinsella - James Kirkup - Philip Larkin - DH Lawrence - Laurie Lee - John Lehmann - Peter Levi - Alun Lewis - Wyndham Lewis - Norman MacCaig - Louis MacNeice - Charles Madge - Jon Manchip White - Harold Monro - Edwin Muir - Norman Nicholson - Wilfred Owen - Sylvia Plath - William Plomer - FT Prince - Peter Quennell - Kathleen Raine - Herbert Read - Henry Reed - James Reeves - Anne Ridler - Michael Roberts - WR Rodgers - Isaac Rosenberg - Siegfried Sassoon - Francis Scarfe - EJ Scovell - Jon Silkin - Sacheverell Sitwell - Bernard Spencer - Stephen Spender - Dylan Thomas - Edward Thomas - RS Thomas - Anthony Thwaite - Terence Tiller - Charles Tomlinson - Henry Treece - John Wain - Arthur Waley - Rex Warner - Vernon Watkins - Charles Williams - WB Yeats - Andrew Young
Pingwin Księga Sonetu (2001)
Pod redakcją Phillisa Levina. Wśród poetów byli
Francesco Petrarca - Geoffrey Chaucer - Thomas Wyatt - Henry Howard, hrabia Surrey - Anne Locke - George Gascoigne - Edmund Spenser - Fulke Greville - Philip Sidney - Walter Ralegh - George Chapman - Henry Constable - Mark Alexander Boyd - Samuel Daniel - Michael Drayton - John Davies z Hereford - Charles Best - William Shakespeare - John Davies - John Donne - Ben Jonson - Lord Herbert z Cherbury - William Drummond z Hawthornden - Mary Wroth - Robert Herrick - George Herbert - John Milton - Charles Cotton - Thomas Gray - Charlotte Turner Smith - William Blake - Robert Burns - William Wordsworth - Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Robert Southey - Mary F. Johnson - Leigh Hunt - George Gordon, Lord Byron - Percy Bysshe Shelley - John Clare - John Keats - Hartley Coleridge - Thomas Lovell Beddoes - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Charles Tennyson Turner - Edgar Allan Poe - Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Robert Browning - Aubrey Thomas de Vere - George Eliot - Frederick Goddard Tuckerman - Matthew Arnold - George Meredith - Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Christina Rossetti - Algernon Charles Swinburne - Thomas Hardy - Robert Bridges - Gerard Manley Hopkins - Emma Lazarus - Oscar Wilde - WB Yeats - Ernest Dowson - Edwin Arlington Robinson - Trumbull Stickney - Rupert Brooke - Alice Dunbar-Nelson - Robert Frost - Edward Thomas - Ezra Pound - Elinor Wylie - Siegfried Sassoon - Robinson Jeffers - Marianne Moore - Edwin Muir - TS Eliot - John Crowe Ransom - Claude McKay - Archibald MacLeish- _ Edna St. Vincent Millay - Wilfred Owen - Dorothy Parker - EE Cummings - Jean Toomer - Robert Graves - Edmund Blunden - Louise Bogan - Hart Crane - Roy Campbell - Hrabia Cullen - Patrick Kavanagh - WH Auden - Louis MacNeice - Malcolm Lowry - Stephen Spender — Elżbieta Biskup — George Barker - Robert Hayden - John Berryman - Weldon Kees - Dylan Thomas - Margaret Walker - Gwendolyn Brooks - Charles Causley - Robert Lowell - William Meredith - Amy Clampitt - Howard Nemerov - Hayden Carruth - Marie Ponsot - Richard Wilbur - Philip Larkin - Anthony Hecht - Jane Cooper – Donald Justice – James K. Baxter – James Merrill – John Ashbery – WS Merwin – James Wright – Donald Hall – Thom Gunn – John Hollander – Adrienne Rich – Derek Walcott – Geoffrey Hill – Sylvia Plath – John Updike – Jean Valentine – Robert Mezey – Grace Schulman - Charles Wright - June Jordan - Judith Rodriguez - Frederick Seidel - John Fuller - Tony Harrison - Les Murray - Charles Simic - Frank Bidart - Seamus Heaney - Stanley Plumly - Billy Collins - Douglas Dunn - Marilyn Hacker - David Huddle - Charles Martin - William Matthews - Louise Glück - Ellen Bryant Voigt - Eavan Boland - JD McClatchy - Leon Stokesbury - Star Black - Marilyn Nelson - Bruce Smith - Molly Peacock - Hugh Seidman - Rachel Hadas - Denis Johnson - Sherod Santos - Julia Alvarez - Dana Gioia - Medbh McGuckian - Paul Muldoon - Rita Dove - Mark Jarman - Elizabeth Macklin - Tom Sleigh - Rosanna Warren - David Baker - Phillis Levin - John Burnside - Carol Ann Duffy - Robin Robertson - Karl Kirchwey - Deborah Laser - Jacqueline Osherow - James Lasdun - Kate Light - Joe Bolton - Rafael Campo - Mike Nelson, Daniel Gutstein , Beth Ann Fennelly — Jason Schneiderman
The Penguin Book of Irish Verse (1970, wydanie 2 1981)
Pod redakcją Brendana Kennelly'ego . Wśród poetów byli
Frank O'Connor - Charles Wolfe - Jeremiah Joseph Callanan - George Darley - Eugene O'Curry - James Clarence Mangan - Gerald Griffin - Francis Sylvester Mahony - Edward Walsh - George Fox - Samuel Ferguson - Aubrey de Vere - Thomas Davis - William McBurney - Arthur G. Geoghegan - Lady Wilde - John Kells Ingram - Michael Joseph McCann - Thomas Caulfield Irwin - William Allingham - Thomas D'Arcy McGee - John Todhunter - Edward Dowden - John Boyle O'Reilly - Arthur O'Shaughnessy - Emily Lawless - Alfred Perceval Graves - William Larminie - John Keegan Casey - Fanny Parnell - Oscar Wilde - TW Rolleston - John Synge - Thomas MacDonagh - Patrick Pearse - Joseph Plunkett - Francis Ledwidge - WB Yeats - George William Russell - Oliver St. John Gogarty - Joseph Campbell - Seamus O'Sullivan - Padraic Colum - James Joyce - James Stephens - Austin Clarke - Monk Gibbon - FR Higgins - RND Wilson - Patrick MacDonogh - Ewart Milne - C. Day-Lewis - Padraic Fallon - Bryan Guinness - Patrick Kavanagh - Samuel Beckett - John Hewitt - Louis MacNeice - Denis Devlin - Robert Farren - WR Rodgers - WB Stanford - Donagh MacDonagh - Sigerson Clifford - Valentin Iremonger - Kevin Faller - Roya McFaddena - Padraic Fiacc - Anthony Cronin - Jerome Kiely - Eugene R. Watters - Pearse Hutchinson - Richard Kell - Richard Murphy - John B. Keane - Ulick O'Connor - Basil Payne - Thomas Kinsella - John Montague - Patrick Galvin - Seán Lucy - Richard Weber - Sean O'Meara - James Simmons - James Liddy - Rivers Carew - James McAuley - Desmond O'Grady - Brendan Kennelly - Rudi Holzapfel - Seamus Heaney - Michael Longley - Seamus Deane - Timothy Brownlow - Michael Hartnett - Derek Mahon - Eilean Ni Chuilleanain - John F. Deane - John Ennis - Paul Durcan - Eavan Boland - Hayden Murphy - Tom McGurk - Richard Ryan - Hugh Maxton - Frank Ormsby - Peter Fallon - Paul Muldoon - Thomas McCarthy - Aidan Carl Mathews.